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a new chapter

Updated: Dec 28, 2018

WOW. truly cannot believe i'm finally creating a blog post.

*deep breath*

I've been carrying this idea around in my heart for QUITE some time now. But It wasn't until recently that I discovered I have a real desire to document and share the life-changing effects of God's grace. I have so so many notes on my phone, along with several scribbled-in journal pages, and even sticky notes plastered all over my bathroom mirror, that hold some of the best little revelations Jesus has made in my life. Whether it's looking back on rough times and realizing there was purpose for the pain, reflecting on a bible verse that's been on my mind, or taking a second to recognize God's hand in my day to day life, I find myself constantly taking note of anything He puts on my heart. You might say it's getting a little out of hand lol!

So what better way to organize these little thoughts than a blog, where i also get to practice a little transparency and share my Jesus with you?:)



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