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trust issues

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

A thing I’ve learned this summer:

My faith is only as strong as my trust in Jesus.

Even though I whole-heartedly believe that my past is forgiven, His presence is always, and His future means forever, I struggle to fully trust the Lord with everything.

It’s easy to invite Him into what we don’t have control over—when everything is falling apart, when nothing makes sense, when there’s nothing else we can do to fix a situation—we call on Him to save us from our unfortunate circumstances.

But the truth is, we like being in control over as much as possible—our free time, our relationships, our plans for the near && distant future—we get caught up in building our lives around our own hopes & dreams & expectations. It’s human nature.

And while that doesn’t seem wrong, here’s why it isn’t right:

By taking opportunities to serve ourselves, we often miss opportunities to glorify the Lord.

big oof...

How many times have I chosen to meet my own needs before checking on the needs of others?

How many times have I focused so much on myself that I’ve been too blind to recognize God inviting me into prayer, worship, or any other form of His presence?

How many times have I taken the easy route, and missed the growth brought by trial?

I don’t want to miss out on what God’s calling me to just because I’m busy making my own decisions—because the truth is this: His hopes & dreams & plans for us are much better than our own.

And that’s where trust comes in.

Not the conditional kind, the total kind.

I want to include Him in every situation, every decision, every move I make.

I want to trust Him even when it’s hard.

even if it means “no” when I want a yes.

even if it means “wait” when I want it now.

even if it means “let go” when I want to hold on.

Trust means surrender.

It means a lot less of me and lot more of Him.

and it’s. not. easy.

but how can we not try?

knowing that even when we’re not,

He‘s faithful?

knowing that even when we fall short,

He’s there to pick us back up every time?

knowing that our purpose is HIS glory,

not our own?

when we begin to fully trust Jesus as our strength for today, and hope for tomorrow, He WILL move (Psalms 37:5).

So let’s let Him.

Let him move our hearts to compassion,

our minds to truth,

our hands to service,

our feet to walk forward in faith.

Because the closest thing to Heaven on earth is Christ in us. and the greatest kinda joy is found in serving the Lord



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