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new year, same me.

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

You're probably thinking: what??? The whole point of New Years is to start clean and become the person you've always wanted to be. right? Well picture this. What if the person you've always wanted to be is who you already are? No matter what day of the year. 1/365 or 365/365, you have the potential to live as your best self. And no, not the "best self" that the world tells us to strive for. Because while joining a gym, drinking more water, and putting more effort in at work/school is a great thing to strive towards, there is MORE to living your best life. It begins with these (sometimes not so) simple questions: What are you living for? What steps are you taking each day that speak for your future? Who do you serve??

Yeah I know.. kinda deep. It's so easy to get caught up in routines and patterns that we can lose sight of the meaning and purpose our life holds. In 2018, I definitely lost sight of my purpose. I sought validation in people, experiences, feelings, and several other things. Because of this, I kept coming up short when asked those deep questions. I'd been taught my whole life to live for God, so why did it feel like my life lacked fulfillment and meaning?? Did I do something wrong? Had I not prayed enough? Had I sinned too much?

Here's the problem with those questions. God doesn't measure us by how many prayers we say a day. or how many times we've fallen short. His love is relentless, seeking us. as. we. are.

No matter how high your highs or how low your lows, He wants nothing more than for you to invite Him in, and pursue Him with your whole heart. He will meet you wherever you are--because he accepts you and loves you more than you can even imagine. He's not limited to a place like church or a time like Sunday morning. He's there experiencing every single second of your life with you. All 365 days of the year. He doesn't miss a thing. And whether you want to believe it or not, He still loves you through it all, as He patiently waits for you to recognize and respond to His presence.

So this year I ask God to redirect my steps- so that I don't forget to remind myself daily what I'm living for or who I'm serving. that I consider His opinion over my own opinion and the world's opinion. & that I remember when faced with trial that the Creator of the universe is on MY side. Because the truth is, the most important changes this year aren't the ones I make. They're the ones Jesus will make.

New year, same me. but-- new mindset, perspective, and attitude in light of who I choose to live for. Amen?



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