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why you're not over it

to be completely real for a minute, i take a lot of things personally. I get my feelings hurt often. I take offense at many things. the small things: bother me. the big things: shatter me. and to be honest, I’ve defended this behavior as just “part of my personality”

too sensitive? maybe. kind of controlling? sometimes.

but i’ll never forget the day someone pointed out, “you really like things done your way.”

maybe the problems AREN’T the things/people/experiences I find hurtful or offensive. maybe it’s an issue within my heart. maybe my bitterness is my own doing.

that was a lot to start with, but bear with me. instead of (consciously or subconsciously) playing the victim in any and every slightly (or even extremely) hurtful situation, what if i chose to just let it rest? what if i stopped grieving over what i can’t control or change?

Jesus Christ frees me from the grip of my past. so what would happen if I believed He frees me from the grip of others’ pasts too?

what others have said or done to unintentionally (or intentionally) hurt you does not get to haunt your present, and certainly not your future. unless, get this…you ALLOW it to.

I’m in NO WAY saying your feelings aren’t important. they so are. and to anyone who has ever experienced pain at the expense of someone else’s words or actions, I am sorry. I feel for you.

but more than anything, I want you to experience total healing from it.

some things i’ve learned about healing from hurt:

1. you DON’T need that apology to forgive

2. you WILL need more than just “time and space”

3. you CAN’T expect your feelings to be the first thing to change

4. the MERCY you need to show others is the mercy discovered and received at the feet of Jesus. undeserved? maybe. withheld? no way.

people hurt people. we’ve all been on both the giving and receiving end.

i’d be a liar if i said this self-awareness has made it any easier to process hurt & offenses. it hasn't. but what i DO know is that holding onto the hurt will keep my hands too full to receive the healing my soul craves. my heart can't love properly if bitterness is rooted within it.

when you're ready to let go of the past and step into healing, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory, will restore you, strengthen you, confirm you, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10)

It's not going to be easy to humble yourself and extend grace. It can even seem impossible at times. Thank the Lord we have Jesus.

if we have received Christ's abundantly undeserved mercy, and if we have claimed His victory over ALL sin, our hearts are forever changed. they're empowered by His love and grace.

And it's for this purpose that we love, because He first loved us. (1 john 4:19)

we forgive, because He first forgave us.

enough from me, i'm just the intro. only His words can transform & heal your heart, so if you want more on what the Word of God Himslelf says about mercy, refer below :)

surrender your hurt to the Lord, and watch your healing spring forth. it's the biggest favor you can do for yourself

  • Ephesians 4:32

  • Hebrews 12:14-15

  • Matthew 6:15

  • Mark 11:25

  • 1 John 1:9

  • Matthew 5:44

  • 1 John 4:20

  • Philippians 4:8

  • 2 Timothy 2:24-26

  • Job 5:2


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